Use Inbox in Safari
Inbox by Gmail is a great product. But right now it works only in Chrome. When you open it in Safari: We can change the default User Agent to mock Google. Usage Please see the Important Update at first! Just...
Inbox by Gmail is a great product. But right now it works only in Chrome. When you open it in Safari: We can change the default User Agent to mock Google. Usage Please see the Important Update at first! Just...
I recently written some code on Leetcode, it’s a really fantastic website. But it has no feature to let us hidden accepted problem. So I write my own bookmarklet to do it. The repository is here: The main part...
I recently write shell script which need to know the path of itself. Here is my implement: SCRIPT_FILE=`which $0` if [ -L $SCRIPT_FILE ]; then SCRIPT_FILE=`readlink $SCRIPT_FILE` fi SCRIPT_PATH=`dirname $SCRIPT_FILE` SCRIPT_FILE=`basename $SCRIPT_FILE` echo Path: $SCRIPT_PATH echo Filename: $SCRIPT_FILE The code...
This page contains some websites to help English learner to improve pronunciation. All information is come from Delia, an instructor who teach ESL 512 at UB. Technical Terms Pronunciation of technical terms from various fields. American English Pronunciation Practice Game-like...
We have a project to monitor how individual use different devices in daily life. The goal includes what time use which device, how they switch different device, etc.. Current personal devices can be classified by two parts: desktop, mobile. The...